Blotter Art

What Is Blotter Art?
     Blotter art is one of underground America's most important and misunderstood forms of folk art. Blotter art started out as the artwork that drug dealers used to drop liquid LSD onto so that they may easily sell the drug. After some time, art lovers began to understand the value of this art form and started to collect and preserve the unsaturated artwork. Since then, blotter art has become an eclectic choice of art.

     Blotter art is a very important art form. Blotter art tells the story of a once-active psychedelic underground movement. The use of repetitive iconography can be seen in many genres of art, most notably those works created by Andy Warhol. This piece of blotter art was manufactured strictly as art and is not manufactured as a vehicle for controlled substances. The art's similarity to illegal blotter acid is purely aesthetic and no attempt has been made to mimic it otherwise.

Is Blotter Art Illegal?

     No. Blotter art is not illegal. Blotter art is art. However, LSD is illegal and therefore, there is no LSD present on this artwork. Please respect the art medium and keep it that way. This artwork was created for collecting and framing only. Perforations are present only for nostalgic purposes.

     If you try to sell or even give away this artwork as if it were real LSD you can be arrested and convicted of possession and distribution of a controlled dangerous substance, even though the artwork contains no illegal substance.