Una Toibin-Hamilton

Una Toibin-Hamilton Speaks: "Many years ago, in the lot of a Grateful Dead concert, a young man told me he wanted to live in the scene on the canvas before him. Over the years I have heard echoes of the same theme and each time it speaks directly to why I create:  to create a place of rest, a visual vacation for one to rejuvenate and restore. I create a space of calmness and peace for the viewer.

My art borders the surreal and psychedelic, wrapped in the elements of nature and subtle fractals that underlie our everyday life. I find immense pleasure in nature. Water, trees, stones, seasonal sunlight, and the night time sky really resonate with me.

Quiet serenity and solitude birth scenes from beyond. Translating these worlds to the canvas or screen with a measure of improvisation and genuine appreciation is my role in the process. I strive to bring a gentle kindness and grace into my work.

This art is kind to my soul. It is my hope you might find the same."